This is the best song by German black metal band Eis, Am Abgrund (At The Abyss). It starts as a confrontation with overpowering chaos which gets somehow more modest, apparently intimitated and ready to negotiate and to reveal its secrets to the one who is fearless (respectively „fearless“ since there are no such qualities and all men are equal) (00:40) to synthetisize with him and in duality with him increase the dynamics of the now more powerful aligned (infocognitive) entity (02:00), at 02:36 the traveller gains competence, first mastery over the chaos, yet of course there is no final resolution in there, to reach a higher level at 04:20 with still no resolution but the traveller is now operating at the meta-level and is therefore ever more powerful than the chaos, than the abyss, etc. The final line says „Sei dem Himmel ein Stück näher“ (be a bit closer to the heavens/the sky). – I find extreme metal good, it contains everything and operates at the highest plane of reality. It reveals the deep structure of the world, the chaosmos (at least to me, but to me also a chewing gum package paper reveals the deep structure of the world, the chaosmos).
Archiv für den Monat: Mai 2016
Über die Kunst, wortreich zu schwatzen
„Wo es an Schema fehlt, da fehlt es an Philosophie – das ist das uneingestandene Vorurteil aller zünftigen Systematiker gegen den „Anschauenden“, denen sie sich innerlich weit überlegen fühlen. Deshalb nannte Kant den Stil des platonischen Dialoges ärgerlich „die Kunst, wortreich zu schwatzen“ und deshalb schweigt der Kathederphilosoph noch heute über Goethes Philosophie.“
Oswald Spengler, Der Untergang des Abendlandes
Update about Notes
Some years ago I read one or two books by philosopher Alexandre Kojève; now in the biography about Lacan I read Kojève had an epiphany as a young man about the synthesis of the Orient and the Occident; man, in the Metaphysical Note about Extreme Metal I wanted to show how „Western“ and „Eastern“ metaphysics can be trangressed into a holistic practice and teach you the (metapyhsics of the) overman. Good I still have not written it, due to a permanent mixture of intellectual overarousal and (apparent) practical laziness, maybe I again postpone it for good. Apart from that it appeared to me today in the morning I have to read Pirsig´s Lila and Norbert Wiener´s autobiography since both contain information about WJ Sidis as alongside I made the plan to write a note about the Transbodhidharma. That will feel good.
Living on the Edge #2
„… die bedauerliche Tatsache, daß jeder der anerkannten Künstler nur etwa ein Dutzend verstehender Anhänger besitzt, … aus jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung hat Cézanne resigniert geäußert, jede Kunst sei nur für wenige da. Erst als Bildungsvorrat erweitert sie die Peripherie ihres Kreises und schafft die Täuschung, als wären der Erkennenden viele. Alles dies gehört in in das Gebiet der Auswirkung der Kunst, nicht in den inneren Bezirk des Geschehens…“ (Will Grohmann, 1926)
Living on the Edge
Ahhhh … the exurbia regions of human thought, where the dances of signifiers and the signified become most dislocated and most elementary, hyper-authentic, hyper-innocent, ready to return to base again … after that the seam of infinity, which we love.
Update about Notes
„I am with anything I need to develop before I die in delay and I am bad at moving forward“ – Jacques Lacan, 1966
Lol I am rereading Roudinesco´s bio about Lacan since, as I mentioned some days ago, I want to write several notes about him and others and psychoanalysis in general. Yesterday I borrowed Spengler´s „Decline of the West“ from my Dad to reread it as well and to write a note about Oswald Spengler and Ibn Chaldun and, sometime later, maybe also about Toynbee and Braudel and reflections about the course of history in general. After I have finished Homer I wanted to write a note about Homer and Lautreamont but it occured to me today in the morning that this would require rereading Nietzsche´s „The Birth of Tragey“ since it´s about juxtaposing the Apollonian and the Dionysian writer (at least at current state of reflection). Some minutes later it occured to me that I want to write a „Note about Emanuel Lasker, Chess, and Shit“ (respectively about what the ancient Greek called metis). There are now 15 or so notes written in my head at the moment and number obviously keeps growing; ahhhh that´s the hyperbola that lies within the mind, that IS the mind. This should lead to great glory fuck yeah.
Das Ding an sich
Watching stupid shit is best practice. Unless the stupid shit flame burns in you and consumes you, you never enjoy the world aright. Schopenhauer says it is the Will, Nietzsche says it is the Will to Power, I say it is Stupid Shit what makes Kant´s Ding an sich, and so if you establish a perfect gaze at stupid shit you will be in perfect alignment with the world; it will destroy the limitations of your intellect, spawn omniscience, cleanse the soul, demolish the subject-object dichotomy and evaporate flawed internal systems of reference like yin-yang shit and stuff. Veni, vidi stultum stercore, vici.
Die letzten Enden aller Dinge
Meaning of IQ Test Scores
IQ 172 to 188
„Freakish. While still of primary school age, only around one in 1000 professors can look them in the eye intellectually. They tend to read competently before they are three years old. Keynes – who used to intimidate Russell – was probably in this category. Zietsman believes that FW Nietzsche, the German philosopher and poet, and Hugo de Groote, a jurist, were others. Michael Kerney, who holds the world record as the youngest university graduate ever at 10 years old, probably also has an adult IQ around 186 on this scale. Only one in a million people are this intelligent. They are seldom understood or appreciated. Most feel profoundly isolated from society – even when they are appreciated. A large proportion of this group opt out of society and never make revolutionary contributions in the standard academic fields or professions. It seems to be very difficult to motivate them to play the academic/scholarly/professional game because they regard even the most venerable of traditions and institutions as absurd or silly. Consider that even the mind of the average professor appears to them like the mind of the average bricklayer would appear to the professor.“
Spiritual Update
Some, including Goethe and Schopenhauer, say that the work of the high genius is „practically“ useless; I just finished a biography about A.N.; lol a considerable number of those highly gifted people and artists portrayed in there do not seem particularly likeable, who the fuck do they think they are?; given the scope of their intellects their personalities are stupid as hell; I guess if humanity could clearly see through how they really are (fortunately they are protected by the veil of the Maya) they would sink into self-loathing and maybe cease to reproduce; and so that is why (apart from the veil of the Maya) you need the example and the imago of the Buddha, the Christ, that is to say it is actually the omega genius ( = fully realized human potential), who mirrors life for everyone, who has the most important function of all and is the keeper of life. Mediate about that.