Failed Note about Ultracomplex People

A while ago I made some plans about writing a note about ultracomplex people who seem to operate at the trans-infinity level, people who spend their life trying to figure out what they´re actually doing, people like Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Kierkegaard, van Gogh, Shakespeare, Kafka, Pessoa, Faridoddin Attar, Georg Büchner, Otto Weininger, Emily Dickinson or Heinrich von Kleist, but I don´t seem to be so occupied with that any longer; originally I have written a long note in my head, bright like sun, but, within the complexities, it has somehow shrunk to a white dwarf, shining nevertheless (for those who´re able to see afar off and that´s sufficient). To put them in one category those people seem to transcent categories so let us simply mention on this behalf the categories #ultracomplexity #supersanity #hypergenius and what I have labelled as the #whitelodge, respectively the level of profound giftedness in terms of complexity of intellect, soul and spirit. Since they often are to a reasonable degree troubled and sad as well as likely to be devoid of robust identity I want to offer support and encouragement and remind them that although they are occupied with the total sum of problems they also (should) know that, in reality, there are no problems at all, problems only exist for the entertainment of our mind, all that there is is the eternal peace  of the mind; they will be busy trying to deliver a message to humanity, that is their primary occupation, only to find out they have huge difficulties doing that because they are not really a part of humanity (because, as I said, they´re ultracomplex people), so they can deliver no direct message to humanity, only an indirect one, but that is the BEST part of it; because of their eternal eccentricity towards humanity they are situated at the very core of humanity and the human experience at all, maybe ultracomplex people are the only people who ever have truly lived, a woman who knew Kafka said that this seemingly highly neurotic and dysfunctional man was the only man who thought like a human should think and who felt like a human should feel; since they directly stare into the abyss and are terrified by life and existence and horrified by what people do they are also determined to and preoccupied with establishing harmony; usually they are warm-hearted and concerned about others and love will save you. There may be ruminations whether they just are wandering spirits who have failed to reach Satori (although at an intellectual level they have reached Satori; they constantly see things anew and from fresh perspectives, they are independent from traditions and institutions and they are able to create original worlds, autonomously), yet maybe Satori would not pacify them either, because of their intensities (and, remember, the true Zen master acknowledges that he has truley gained nothing by Satori), so let us say that their Satori shall lie in finding out new ways, new exits to heaven, to make everything more interesting and colourful, that shall be their path, although theirs is not „the path“, neither the pathless path but what Hölderlin calls the eccentric pathway/exzentrische Bahn, twist and shout; at the end of it all lies the unio mystica with God. So, concluding this, I will write down no additional material on ultracomplex people (at least not for now). I will however, when I manage to get my relatively comfortable ass up, soon eventually write the Metaphysical Note about Extreme Metal in which I shall teach you the overman. (I am also not in a hurry about that affair since after that my relatively brief writer´s career might be over, similar to that of Rimbaud who also was an ultracomplex person (similar to Lautréamont).)


Micheal Chappelle I agree with the statement that the ultracomplex are the core of humanity and make up the body of individuals who have truly lived. They are the center of stasis around which everything revolves and everything is measured, by bearing all problems and all ideas they have the greatest impressions of reality, having it seared into their soul as they interact in it.

The Portland Tribune as a Hyperinfinite Set

I get informed that the Portland Tribune changed the cover pic; very impressive shit. Apart from that I have, among others, The Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Sudan Tribune andNKNews – North Korea News in my news feed, but, as a recognize, no newspapers from my own country or the German speaking world in general; alas, I don´t use to read newspapers at all anymore since some time; I also have not read any books the last time; maybe, when I reach the omega level, I also won´t read books anymore; that will feel good. I wonder if, then, I will be entirely disconnected from the man´s world or super/omni-connected; but I guess that´s just the two sides of the same medal, maybe the medal will then become more multidimensional or Calabi-Yau space-like; at the infinity level it may become infinite dimensional; mathematicians who´re into set theory are discussing whether there are hyperinfinite sets; according to Gödel´s incompleteness theorem it may be neither provable nor disprovable whether hyperinfinite sets actually exist, at least certain mathematical objects like knots can easier be conceptualised under the assumption that hyperinfinite sets do exist; that´s the incompleteness theorem in action and that seems to be the sense of the incompleteness theorem; there are also some mathematicians who think there is no infinity but a very large number n where n+1 again equals 1; when I reach the hyperinfinite level I will have figured everything about that out; that will feel good.


Beyond Good and Evil

Me, of course, I don’t. It is the good which is endlessly complex, endlessly attractive and endlessly fascinating. People use to find evil interesting because they are glueless and not fascinating themselves. The good is the heavens while the evil is, at best, a rusty sorry piece of metal, useless, Lucy in the sky without diamonds. Evil might be labyrinth-like but is not complex nor interesting. Death to false metal.


Holy Scriptures and the Profoundly Gifted

Lol Bhagwan once said most holy scriptures were created by mediocre people, highly intelligent but not profoundly intelligent people, take a look at how badly they are written; indeed, if you look, for instance, into the Old Testament, apart from its many psychopathological contents, it´s convoluted, I also find strange the Kabbalah and the I Ching. Someone profoundly gifted would invent something like Zen Budddhism, write something like the Zhuangzi or the Zarathustra or live his life the way Bayazid Bastami lived his life; eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. It is rather not about organising society but adressing the good core in the individual, cleanse, purify and strenghten the soul of those who possess one, elevate it into the spheres to teach an example. Bhagwan also said that in order to transcend this „obnoxious“ humanity one will need to be so extreme that humanity will deem him insane. He also said that when he started as a spiritual teacher he started with a great hope for humanity; now, at an old age, he only has hope left for a very small minority out of humans. Well, mankind, per definition, cannot reach the level of its great men however. Sloterdijk called Bhagwan the Wittgenstein of religion. For the sake of personal interest I´d like to know what the Wittgenstein of Wittgenstein would be. Or the overman of the overman. Emily Dickinson was so intelligent and had such a large circuit and depth that when I try to introject her and make her mine like I try to do with all things of interest that cross my way, i have to squinny my eyes. I admire her.
