Failed Note about Vegetius

A while ago I annouced that I wanted to read De Re Militari, written by Vegetius at the end of the 4th century. Meanwhile I have to announce that I do not find De Re Militari particularly interesting and that I could not concentrate on reading a lot of it. I looked through it twice over the course of some months, but I could not get into the undertow. So I am going to bring it back to the library today or tomorrow. In any case De Re Militari is more immediately practically oriented concerning military affairs of the ancient Roman Empire and not exactly of the timeless quality as the work of Sun Tzu and the like.

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I, however, have not managed to read Clausewitz either, if I remember correctly, because it also did not „take“; at least that was my impression back then. But I have read Herman Kahn´s On Thermonuclear War, and some other books by Herman Kahn. They say Herman Kahn had a 200 IQ though that got deleted from the Wikipedia article although I found that information also in an article of Germany´s Der Spiegel from the 1960s (Duell im Dunkel) a while ago (I don´t know the reason for that but it is true that IQ/intelligence testing becomes wobbly in the higher ranges). At any rate Herman Kahn was able to put a lot of things together, indeed. He (apparently) was one of the role models for Kubrick´s character of Dr. Strangelove btw (others may have been Kissinger and McNamara).

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A while ago I read something about the possibilities of using electromagnetic pulses in future warfare. Which made me think of writing a book titled „On Electromagnetic Pulse War“ myself, after I would be done with literature and art (or take a break of it), because there would be nothing left to further explore.

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I wrote this Failed Note about Vegetius due to conscientousness, to provide infomation about what has happened alongside the Vegetius project, even if nothing in particular has happened. I reiterate, due to conscientousness. Apart from that to frustrate my enemies with this who think they can spot weaknesses within me. Occasionally I confirm weaknesses of mine or do not mind if the enemies rejoice about them, as well as occasionally I may find it more appropriate to show them who´s the boss in order not to let them become overconfident or dangerous or allow them to make a mess. And in particular, this Failed Note about Vegetius gives me the opportunity to post some of my hitherto collected shotgun girl pics, which is probably the most important of its elements.

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However, I have been reading a lot more political stuff more recently than I did over the course of the last years (because politics simply appears as the management of human ineptitude and therefore loses its magic to the scholar once he has achieved Satori), or at least I collect articles for further review, especially those who are posted by the Center for Security Studies of the ETH Zürich. Conventional wisdom among scholars is is that large interstate wars are likely to be a thing of the past and the 21st century is, on the whole, going to be more peaceful than any century ever, but as I see there are also opposing views upon that. I need to read that and meditate about that.

Foresight into 21st Century Conflict: End of the Greatest Delusion?

Global Risks 2035: The Search for the New Normal

A Fractured Way Forward for a Global Peace and Security Agenda

Chinese Military Strategy: A CIMSEC Compendium

Somehow related to that I plan to write a note about stuff that has been vomited up on the global political arena in 2016 by the end of the year. I hope I can manage to do it on time. I am happy to announce that atm I am doing quite well with writing the Notes about Art and Artists. I have so far completed the notes about Duncan Wylie, Edward Hopper, H. C. Westermann and Alice Aycock; and maybe – because Duncan Wylie is interested in having that note published soon – I am going to change my original plans about in what order I would have them published. There has been a plan in my head about that, but now it gets kinda overturned (though not in a chaotic or dangerous way). That will feel good as well, I suspect.

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Update about Ultracomplex People

“And if we can build machines that are even more complex than humans, then they might have experiences and abilities that we can’t even imagine.”

“Pain in the Machine” investigates whether pain and suffering are as essential for machine learning as they are for human cognitive development.
Micheal Chappelle haha my comment is still on there i forgot about that
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LOL due to me being ultracomplex I will explain in more detail the overman to you and teach you the overman. Posthumous we might be born. Maybe it will not be very spectacular in my case, since we might get overtaken by machines and shit soon and rendered useless. That will feel good.
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11/9 2016 in America

In his thirties, Blaise Pascal turned his back toward the study of pure mathematics and instead was determined to study humans, which he expected to be more promising, a much vaster and more fascinating domain, where the true infinity lies maybe (despite however, if I remember correctly, one of his main Pensées was that human existence is drab and dull and the ways most humans try to cope with that are equally drab and dull). – For some years I have now been speculating whether my own trajectory is the reverse of that of Pascal (or Grothendieck´s) since it is the study of humans which obviously does not pay off. Humans, on the whole, aren´t complex. They aren´t fascinating. They aren´t enchanting. The colourfulness of the many facets of the human experience derives from an original uninteresting white light source, egocentricity, including their neuroses, and the irrationality and unpredictability (by philosophers optimistically and overly empathetically dubbed „free will“) due to their incompetence of intellect and character. Maybe it is cooler to study minerals and mineralogy, it may basically be about the same subject, it may be less exciting though but also does not make you look at a seemingly endless chain of disappointments… So maybe I shut everything else down and switch enitirely to the study of pure mathematics.

Why Do We Pay Pure Mathematicians?

Philip Hautmann Although also pure mathematics is not where the magic lies, haha (in the end, so at least it might keep you entertained for some while).

The great mystery of mathematics is its lack of mystery

Occasional Note about Lull

Dark ambient usually is for pussies; Lull, a so called isolationist dark ambient project by Mick Harris (former drummer of Napalm Death), is nevertheless cool. For instance the Continue album is neither particularly scary nor does it create an atmosphere that is truly welcoming; it is neither truly artificial nor is it truly natural; it does not actually create space neither does it display time (however at the most abstract level it may do so); there is no movement only an endless shift; it neither actually displays presence nor does it display absence; it is neither truly brown not is it truly green yet might display a constant morphing of a drab brown into a drab green – though not in the true mindspace rather in the phase space projection of it or so; it is not actually immersive nor does it repel you; it is not the transcendence of dichotomies nor is it the implosion of dichotomies; it does not make me think of Bodhidharma nor does it lay bare the inner processes of Shankara to me; …….. aaaahhh… what great glory…..; nothing in particular happens for one hour, and I think if´d last ten hours I wouldn´t become supersaturated by it. Scelsi would´ve been quite fond of that and I´m quite fond of Scelsi.


Lull ‎- Continue. Released: 01 Oct 1996. Mixed At – The Box Recorded At – The Box…
An interview with Mick Harris, the man behind the Isolationism dark ambient…

Prelude to Notes about Art and Artists

I plan/hope to write some notes about art and artists, about Bacon, Freud, Auerbach, Reinhardt, Stella, Newman, Westermann, Hopper and Duncan Wylie as well as a general text about What is a Metaphysical Artist? in the course of this month, I am pseudo-overdue with it, apart from that always jumping between disciplines, but this is a good thing since via such pseudo-circuitous routes (actually hypercycles) you may be able to add more value to the initial stuff in the end. In this context I also studied stuff about the most contemporary art and tried to get it and despite my sensational intelligence and erudition I still feel unsure about how to catch the metaphysics in it (I do not deny that there is some, yet is diffused, haha, the postmodern condition; postmodernity is but an age bygone, New Realism in philosophy may serve as a tool to get the whole structure again and its pseudo-fractal-like geometry, etc.)

After attending the opening of the new Tracey Emin retrospective at the Hayward Gallery, I’m finally ready to come out and say it.

Stephen Faust Art meant little to me, except as something other people did, until I was about 19, when the 1 to 1 relationship between symbol and substance of science gave over to the many to 1 and the 1 to many truths of art, and one began to explore and comprehend the logics of ex temporae appropriation of substance to symbols and of symbol to substances that most human beings engage of in their vacillating consciousness, where many to many logics abound, as the profound of the substance symbolized meets the symbols of substances utilised of their seekings for satisfactions. Get this about Art, one might say: „Many are the ways, but they are not all. My many and your many may be spoken of in many ways, and their meeting might well be Art speaking, to you; to me, there are many things I have to do, and many things within me which would sing, and, no matter what the symbol, if it does ring of truth to you, others may not hear it; if it brings my truth to you, are you sure you did not queer it; and if it rings of truth from me, can you be sure that you got near it ? If my art did not speak to more than myself, then t’were silence the greater art.“