I plan/hope to write some notes about art and artists, about Bacon, Freud, Auerbach, Reinhardt, Stella, Newman, Westermann, Hopper and Duncan Wylie as well as a general text about What is a Metaphysical Artist? in the course of this month, I am pseudo-overdue with it, apart from that always jumping between disciplines, but this is a good thing since via such pseudo-circuitous routes (actually hypercycles) you may be able to add more value to the initial stuff in the end. In this context I also studied stuff about the most contemporary art and tried to get it and despite my sensational intelligence and erudition I still feel unsure about how to catch the metaphysics in it (I do not deny that there is some, yet is diffused, haha, the postmodern condition; postmodernity is but an age bygone, New Realism in philosophy may serve as a tool to get the whole structure again and its pseudo-fractal-like geometry, etc.)
Prelude to Notes about Art and Artists
After attending the opening of the new Tracey Emin retrospective at the Hayward Gallery, I’m finally ready to come out and say it.