Spellling I find to be the contemporary Queen of Pop and the greatest Queen of Pop since Shampoo! Consequently, Shampoo are barely remembered and Spellling is barely known (currently she has 1.824 followers on FB). Shampoo were perfect individuals, and individualism is what (some) people try to achieve and some collective phantasma; in the final instance, nevertheless, the individual is an antithesis to any collective and therefore disembedded. The perfect individual will be truly monadic, and the highest degree of individuality gets achieved when someone erects his empire in the highest anarchy, as a loner and a hermit, says Nietzsche. Whereas Shampoo were a fusion of punk, kitsch, girlie pop, abrasiveness, cuteness, Sex Pistols, East 17 and Gary Numan; Spellling is commonly characterised as an amalgam of afropop, R & B, darkwave, vintage electronic, howling, whispering, presence and elusiveness, something that is child-like as well is it is uncanny and haunted. Yet, by all means, the music of Spellling is perfectly pure and in no way derivative. Bhagwan, the 20th century Zarathustra, says: One who wants to transcend this obnoxious humanity will need to be so extreme that humanity will deem him/her crazy! Spellling appears highly eccentric, also (occasionally) in the way she dresses (at most occasions she is just rather casually clothed though, like I am, since we are no pretenders), in reality she is just completely sane and is the magic source and the center from which all rationality and creativity pours out. There she stands, in stasis, where everything around her revolves! Nietzsche says, (when the highest level of consciousness is reached), there shall be „something inexpressible, to which joy and truth are only feeble after-images … earth is losing its gravity, the incidents and the powers of earth become dream-like, like on a summer evening a transfiguration and glorification comes into place….“ (Schopenhauer as Educator). Yes, indeed, strange celestial realms, which are beyond that what is commonly imagined as Heaven (since they also incorporate, as a necessary by-product of totality, Hell). It is the Antisphere! In Heaven you are in a permanent communion with Christ, the Grand Unifier. However, how should the wandering mind be in an everlasting communion with anything, including the Grand Unifier?! The Antisphere explodes with colours. It is the phase space of creativity. In the Antisphere you are in a negatively curved space, on a line of flight into infinity, as you are in permanent communion with your own transgression. In the Antisphere you do not want to confirm of affirm yourself. You want to get rid o fand away from yourself. All my life I just tried to get away from myself, said Marcel Duchamp, the Holy Ghost of 20th century art. That´s the spirit of art and of (any sort of) enlightenment! In the Antisphere you are in perfect harmony with yourself, since in the Antisphere you are the source. Janis said, of all the great artists he had personally met, only Duchamp and Mondrian had been truly harmonious and uncompetetive personalities. This is the Antisphere. Spellling says she loves the figures of wizards, tricksters and jesters. Yorick, the Fool. Spellling says the essence of Spellling is about capturing the essence, the magic of every moment. As concerns the heavens, Spellling says she does not know about the afterlife, but she is interested in parallel lives. Her dad has synaesthesia. In the video to Under the Sun (set up by congenial collaborator Catalina Xavlena and in which you see the Antisphere) she dances like the most intelligent person in the world. In general, in the Antisphere the dances between signifier and the signified are beyond common understanding and beyond the limits of (post) structuralism, they become a unified whole, reality and dream become one, the phantasma becomes transgressed; it is the mind of the Grand Unifier death to false metal.
Solange, the little eccentric sister of Beyoncè, I find also charming ->
Sheidlina is also from the Antisphere. She once said, after doing this stuff for years, she has come to recognise that coolness like that will only ever be something for a tiny minority to be grasped (haha, very cool!).