I am delighted to see this. Obviously there is a fellow somewhere in the world, someone who understands. I have been thinking for quite a while now whether above the transcendence/infinity level there is another level which I call the White Lodge, although my thoughts have not yet fully matured about that. The kind of perception you embrace at the infinity/satori level is described by Toshihiku Izutsu as that you constantly see the static objets in the world as constantly innately shifting, moving, being fluid and in permanent progress. Yet I was thinking about a state of mind where everything seems to happen simultaneously, you live in a room filled with white light (respectively something that resembles light though it does not exactly seem to be the same), and now, there, a wave passes by, the wave is slightly grey, and immediately the next emanation passes by, etc, those are the contents of the world, which both affect you and they don´t. Note that this does not happen in a linear, or a non-linear, or in a synchronous fashion but in a mode which somehow is a unity of all those. Resemblant to that, when you are close to the central singularity of a black hole and look what´s in the back view, you see the entire universe and the entire history of the universe passing by. In the White Lodge you seem to be beyond the view that everything is infinite, nevertheless you both know that the view that everything is infinite both applies and it does not (just like the view that everything is finite is both correct and it is not). You somehow supersede both the finite and the infinite, reaching a new level of consciousness. That is the White Lodge. As I said, I have to think further about that, not least because I am terribly interested in how such a consciousness would look like. Maybe the White Lodge is the state of mind, the realm in which ultracomplex people like Shakespeare, Nietzsche or Wittgenstein dwell. It is not entirely clear whether the White Lodge is a perfect place to be. In the ideology of Shakespeare, Nietzsche or Wittgenstein you have meaninglessness at a prominent place, yet not a pacified meaninglessness like at the satori level, although you have the indication about how to overcome trans-transcendent meaninglessness, for instance in the sonnets of Shakespeare (as opposed to the drab worldview expressed in his plays), in the concept of the overman, or in the way Wittgenstein lived his life (since, somehow according to a core point of his philosophy (which was, concerning the general undertaking, about how logical sentences could be transformed into ethical sentences) the meaning of a sentence cannot be said, it needs to be shown, indicated, he was silent as a moral philosopher but he lived a highly ethical life). Now you see in here, that the level which even goes beyond the White Lodge is the Disco Polo level, according to the concept of the holy fool, or the suspicion that if you trangress the highest level of consiousness the circle starts anew, yet at an infinitely higher and, at the same time, infinitely more basic, elementary level. In the works of Shakespeare and Nietzsche you sometimes have the character of the ultra-transcendent fool, you have it even more prominent and pronounced in the ideology of Attar of Nishapur and in the life and the spiritual approach of Bayezid Bastami who both were among the most (intellectually) eccentric men (who at the same time lived perfectly in the center of it all) who have ever been. Apart from that I now what Disco Polo means. I think I have to study Tolstoi and Francis of Assisi somewhere soon, maybe the key to unlock all possible universes lies in (critically) understanding them.
(Click here) http://pokaz.im/di-VI1W.jpg
Justine LeDoux Wow…..yes yes YES !! You just described something incredible I have been trying to figure out ever since I became interested in this very specific end of philosophy, can I share this please? I really couldn’t have said it any better, you are an amazing writer, your blog is my new favorite reading space ^.^ <3 <3
Philip Hautmann Thank you mate. Do you speak German? Or have to throw it into Bing? Bing often does not work very well. At any rate I was thinking this morning about writing a note about „ultracomplex people“ those next days.
Micheal Chappelle I have the logical mechanics of the „white lodge“ mapped out in the toe, what you’re describing is the mind of God.
Micheal Chappelle I like you.
Philip Hautmann I actually wanted to post a song with the reverse title, but, hey, in the „White Lodge“ everything´s equal.
Micheal Chappelle Indeed, in the „white lodge“ everything is not only in perfect superposition(which allows for everything to be in communicative intersection) but also there are no definitive constraints, which have yet to be intrinsically defined and distributed over its interior, it follows that the „white lodge“ is a deductively unique yet comprehensively self-contained ontological potential which intrinsically defines itself by distributing its own primary constraint, allowing for the attributes of the infinite level below it to be discriminated. At that level, because there is no distributive relationship or constraint, there is nothing on which to base the order of attributes, the order has to be self-generated and self-defined, inequality has to be selectively actualized from the unity of the „white lodge“.
Justine LeDoux Can you message me a link when you finish it please?:D And no I don’t speak German:( hopefully Google translate can suffice haha
Philip Hautmann Justine: yeah, you can share. Micheal Chappelle: now I am impressed.
Philip Hautmann Roflmao
Micheal Chappelle Flwtoiflmao