Justine, the Strawberry Girl

I have a new friend! A 17 year old schoolgirl who immediately crashed into my most unintelligible text (the one about the White Lodge), felt profoundly shaken by it, and wrote her own text which, in turn, makes me a bit perplexed (reason it does not make me perfectly perplexed is that I know that occasionally such people exist in this world). Of course she lives on the other side of the globe lol.


To steamroll against the current of the physical and metaphysical- beyond the transcendence binding man in a pseudo hallucinogenic state of complacency and falsehood, to move past one must conduct the reconstruction of the limited perception of the mind in an effort to plunge into a being of nothingness and state of unknowing and all knowing- an unraveling of the very human perception being overworked while simultaneously utilizing the omniscient view in a scope of overlapping to form an all seeing view in tandem with a limited view, not apart or together….omniscience is not a virtue but a component, once entered into a state of being beyond the transcendent omniscience is the „White Lodge“ (as Philip Hautmann coins), you will „view“ nothing but the blinding light of all that has ever been and all that will whirl and spin in the absence of it’s own vacancy, only then will all and nothing form a new and cancel out both, once born a new consciousness, once disregarded all together…..time not moving in all directions but moving in every single direction thus bringing the „time“ to refer upon itself as a new entity….all aligned, but what becomes of the „self“ once transformed? Nietzsche alludes to the result with the Übermensch, although he is quite equivocal in his description, it is implied the over man possesses a consciousness beyond the „last man“…. but he is awoken only to find that mankind has deemed this an idle pursuit- much like the rampant anti-intellectualism alive and well in today’s society, what becomes then of mankind if only few are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of progression of humanity and ascendency of human understanding? Will the few die off leaving last man to have wasted consciousness and only end in an unprecedented multitude of regression that is unable to be ever be recovered?
[In response to my new friend Philip, who wrote the most well executed and beautifully written manifestation of the concept I have ever seen! (Link in comment) this is my rendition previously written before reading this piece and edited upon receiving and interpreting as it applies;)]
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Violet Void
Violet Voidhttp://www.philiphautmann.at/the-white-lodge/
Philip Hautmann : )

The White Lodge Posted on November 28, 2015 by admin I am delighted to see this. Obviously there is a fellow somewhere in the world, someone who understands. I have been thinking for…
Josh Brill

Josh BrillFascinating

Like · Reply · 1 · December 4 at 8:51am · Edited
Josh Brill replied · 2 Replies
Philip Hautmann

Philip Hautmann„… die bedauerliche Tatsache, dass jeder der anerkannten Künstler nur etwa ein Dutzend verstehender Anhänger besitzt, … aus jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung hat Cézanne resigniert geäußert, jede Kunst sei nur für wenige da. Erst als Bildungsvorrat erweitert sie die Peripherie ihres Kreises und schafft die Täuschung, als wären der Erkennenden viele. Alles dies gehört in in das Gebiet der Auswirkung der Kunst, nicht in den inneren Bezirk des Geschehens…“ (Will Grohmann, 1926)

Violet Void

Violet VoidRueBenjaminThomTyler, Connor, BenJohnAllanAbdelrahmanNick; some who I feel can connect to this area of thought or may enjoy exploring this idea of White Lodge : )

Ben David replied · 12 Replies · 22 minutes ago