I Salute You, Ancient Ocean!

Lautréamont was one of the most ultraintelligent writers, seemingly above the level of Shakespeare or Goethe, the intellectual intensity of his writings was one of the highest. Of the highest degree also was the versatility and flexibility of his language. In his writings you directly gaze into the Chaosmos. Others in this category (above Goethe, Shakespeare, Tolstoi, etc.) probably were Georg Büchner and Arthur Rimbaud. Their habitat is the exosphere. The air is very thin there, open space begins; a fluent passage to open space … (unfortunately all of them died very early, so one cannot exactly tell what would have become of them over the course of their life). I recommend reading Lautréamont, Büchner and Rimbaud.


„Ancient ocean, crystal-waved, you resemble somewhat those bluish marks

that one sees upon the battered backs of cabin-boys; you are a vast

bruise inflicted upon the body of earth: I love this comparison. At the

first sight of you a long breath of sadness that might be the murmur of

your own bland zephyr passes over the deeply moved soul, leaving

ineffaceable scars, and you recall to the memories of those who love

you, though they are not always aware of it, the crude origins of man

when first he made the acquaintance of the sorrow that has never

deserted him. I salute you, ancient ocean!“


„Tell me, ocean, will you be my brother? Roll wildly… more wildly yet… if you would have

me compare you to the vengeance of God.“


Ocean, Life, and Cruelty Three excerpts from „Les Chants de Maldoror“ by Lautreamont (1846-1870)
