„Nation Finally Breaks Down And Begs Its Smart People To Just Fix Everything“/ The „Global Board“ Veröffentlicht am Juli 21, 2016 von admin Philip Hautmann The IQ of William Pitt the Younger is estimated to have been at 164. When he was appointed Prime Minister at age 24 he solved the bulk of his country´s problems within three years, orchestrated a U-turn out of a seemingly hopeless situation. Although he subsequently became very powerful he never thought of misusing his power for personal gain or to accumulate wealth. He was an excellent rhetor. But unfortunately I could not get an anthology of his speeches so far. – Approximately one person out of 100.000 has an IQ of 164, or higher. That means they´re very scarce among the population but that there should be plenty of Brits with respective intellectual qualities and personal dimensions out of which they should be able to select a Pitt-like desaster manager now. Yet neither the ruling classes nor the general population seem to be ripe for the breaking. But it may be that our time will come soon lolroflmao. (Which of course may generate the possibility that the political management of natural interest conflicts may become greatly amplified and rivalries more intense, see (or misinterpret along these lines of thought) Pitt vs Buonaparte. I therefore suggest establishing a „Global Board“, maybe as a hybrid between a world government and an intellectual information clearing house for global affairs, making proposals, engaging the small handful of people on earth with 194 IQ who are able to understand everything and who are definitely elevated above all levels of the human rat race. Mechanisms would have to be found to prevent or mitigate rat races between them. Maybe with this we could also get Perelman out of his flat again, finding therein a new occupation for him.) Nation Finally Breaks Down And Begs Its Smart People To Just Fix Everything THEONION.COM Philip Hautmann I do not count but with Trump and everything he is affiliated with there seem to be embarrasing revelations on a daily basis, sometimes even multiple times a day. That is definitely a new, distinct and original quality. Even that old soldier finds it as something too big for him to competently figure out -> George W. Bush just said what we’re all thinking about the Republican party MOTHERJONES.COM UPDATE 22072016: Liliana Alam shared The Anomaly Infinite’s post. 2 hrs · The Anomaly Infinite 2 hrs · He’s a diamond in the rough He’s a poem without a song He’s a hero without a mission He’s a star if the world doesn’t beat him My oh my what a horrific faulty country we live in A toast to the saints and hidden winners A frown at the elitists, oh but then alas; I am found a hypocrite which side is really winning this horrific country we live in plastic on billboards, plastic to buy plastic to purchase, plastic and lies when the real stars are dying and alive when the real stars are unknown and invisible – yes – potential can die line up for a chance at the american oblivion my oh my this plastic earth I am seeing Make me President so that I can make a difference LikeShow more reactions CommentShare 5You and 4 others (Posted by The Anomaly Infinite/Liliana Alam) Teilen mit:FacebookDruckenTwitterGefällt mir:Gefällt mir Wird geladen …