Genius is not primarily a matter of IQ but of personality. Pop stars like John Lennon, Jim Morrison, Prince (maybe also Kayne West pseudolol) had such a personality and as well, as far as I can see, Muhammad Ali. With a higher IQ (or maybe just different mindset) they could have been major philosophers, „serious“ artists or great political activists (like Martin Luther King who was, so to say, an older brother of Muhammad Ali), within their domain they incorporated such qualities and were (mirror images of) universal man. It happens when a genuine talent (or intelligence) is amplified by an extreme, idiosyncratic, „schizotypal“ agility and versatility which made Ali able to knock out his opponents as well as pretentious interview partners with astonishing facility and unforseeable moves. He was idealistic but not fanatic, hard-nosed but amicable, autonomous, fearless, and spiritual. I remember someone said that anyone who had a conversation with Ali felt greatly touched and uplifted, and that is the surest of all the different signs of genius. Genius spiritualises everything, says Dali, and as Ali is now detached from body and sickness he has undergone the final transformation into a pure spirit, guarding and guiding us from above, from the elements, forever.