„Every intelligent painter carries the whole culture of modern painting in his head. It is his real subject, of which everything he paints is both an homage and a critique, and everything he says a gloss.“ – Robert Motherwell
„I´ll tell you what´s going to happen: The public will keep on buying more and more art, and husbands will start bringing home little paintings to their wives on the way home from work, and we´re all going to drwon in a sea of mediocrity. Maybe Tinguely and a few others sense this and they are trying to destroy art before it is too late.“ – Marcel Duchamp
„Painting has reached a point where youngsters can only add a footnote. It depresses me a little tot hink that what was once Indian territory is now pretty thoroughly mapped out.“ – Robert Motherwell
„I pursue no objectives, no system, no tendency; I have no program, no style, no direction. I have no time for specialized concerns, working themes, or variations that lead to mastery. I steer clear of definitions. I don´t know what I want. I am inconsistent, non-commital, passive; I like the indefinite, the boundless; I like continual uncertainty.“ – Gerhard Richter
„Cobra is a form of art which heads toward childhood, tries to recover folk art and child art for itself with the means available to adulds, non-naive means“ – Pierre Alechinsky
„The art audience is the worst audience in the world. It´s overly educated, it´s conservative, it´s out to criticize, not to understand, and it never has any fun. Why should I spend my time playing to that audience? … I´ll play with the street audience. That audience is much more human, and their opinion is from the heart. They don´t have any reason to play games.“ – David Hammons
(Quotes from: Jonathan Fineberg: Art since 1940 – Strategies of Being, London, 2000)